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Saw Filer Needed

From: Muskoka Timber Mills
Categories: Bandsaws
Date: 03 Nov 1999
Time: 10:09:14
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Muskoka Timber Mills in Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada, currently has an opening for a sawfiler. It is a full time, permanent position, working days. We have a 38' bandsaw. If you are interested, know someone who might be, or know of a sawfiler jobbank, please contact Barb or Ric at (705) 645-7757 or fax your resumé to (705) 645-5996. Thank-you.

Horizonal twin saw cracks

From: Steve Hoas
Categories: Saw cracks
Date: 16 Feb 2000
Time: 14:23:53
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With regards to the number of letters regarding HT resaws cracking I thought I might add what I found that helped our mill. we have a Letson Burpee 6ft air strain twin. We experienced a few periods of saw cracking to which we spent hours going over all the common things to consider such as alignment and grinding and benching. The problems seemed to be with the rear saw and if we changed saws from front to back the problem persisted in the back rig. One thing that we found was that the oiler for the press rolis was normally filled on the weekend and by the end of the week it was empty and the problems started late in the week. By keeping the oiler full and properly ajusted it made a great differecnce in the saw crack problem. The greatest change came when we had the millwrights properly align the drive pulleys and belts after they changed the belts. They were in a habit of just walking the belts onto the pulleys instead of backing the motor off so the belts could be installed properly. Perhaps this was just lazyness on the behalf of the M/W dept., but when we asked them to align the pulleys, as they were over 1/2 out of line and skewed as well the cracking problem has completely dissapered. Another problem that we corrected was that sawdust collected on the wheels due to a design flaw, there was not enough chamfer on the inside of the wheel where the web meets the wheel and sawdust would collect there and eventually throw the wheel out of ballance. I designed and built a bracket that holds a brush up against the wheel web and inside of the wheel. This does not completely remove the sawdust from the wheel but it does keep it evenly distributed aroun the wheel and therefor e doesn't get out of ballance. These are the main things that we did to make our machines run better and our saws stop cracking. We went from having 20 plus cracks in a saw per run to just a few per month.Quite a substantial difference!