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From: Bruce Lehmann
Categories: Circular Saws
Date: 07 Oct 2001
Time: 11:50:19
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I'm not sure there is much of theory for strobe saws. Most strobe saws are used in machines where the wood is not controlled well, such as the older Chip-N-Saws where the chipping heads and the saws were very close together. Basically, the strobe cutters keep the saw from binding when the log leans against the saw. The long slots also allow the saw to expand without warping.
The only design detail I know about for strobes is to have a negative hook angle on them so the sawdust gets thrown outward, not inward towards the eye of the saw. I think -10 degrees or so is typical. The side clearance of the strobe cutters should be about 0.010" less than the side clearance on the teeth.
Today, using strobes is limited to older machines where the feed system is allowing or causing the wood to move sideways a lot. One of the reasons strobes are not used on new machines is that we have learned how to build better and more accurate feed systems. Actually, we've learnt that we can't have a log in the chipping head at the same time it's in the saws.
Hope this answers your question