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Re: movement in cut on sharpchain

From: Bruce
Categories: Alignment
Date: 16 Oct 2001
Time: 17:31:01
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There are a few things you can check to find out where the movement is happening.

Measure the thickness of the side boards on the top and bottom edges. If the edges don't have the same thickness, then the cant has rolled sideways as it moved from the chipping heads to the saws. Also, the pattern in the side boards will be such that one is thick at the top while the other is thin. The reverse pattern happens at the bottom of the boards. This usually happens if the anvils behind the chipping heads are too far back so they don't support the cant properly. Also, the anvils or any press rolls between the anvil and the saws, may not be plumb (or at least parallel to the saws).

Most cant movement with a sharp chain system is due to the can rolling sideways, unless the chain is really loose on its track, which is rare. This means that the shape of the side boards will tell you a lot about what's happening.

If you have more comments of questions, post again.
