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Date: 20 Jun 2002
Time: 08:26:56
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Stephen: The flat vs crown debate has been going on for a long time. A perfectly flat wheel will run just fine, the problem arises when the wheel is not flat. Saws tend to stabalize on a high spot on the wheel, as this area is traveling faster then the lesser circuferenced areas. This holds the saw in a more stable position. Also the front edge of the wheel tends to wear faster then the rest of the wheel. On single cuts you also tend to wear a hollow wear the back of the saw runs. This hollow will usually not be as deep, but will be fairly wide, as the saws backs tend to cover a larger area due to the wearing down of different saws (new saw width compared to old saw width).
If you choose to grind flat just be careful with you measuring and use a steel tape only and you will be fine. If you choose to crown the wheel remember that the crown should be in the center of the narrowest saw ran, not the center of the wheel. The crown should be about .035" or 1/32" longer in circumfernence than the outer edges and should be ground to a roof point rather than a rounded bump. On all wheel measurements just be sure to measure with care.
I have used both flat and crowned wheels, and as long as they are done carefully both have worked well. One thing you might want to consider is the length between grinds that you are planning. Also cast wheels will wear much faster than fabricated wheels. I tend to favor a slight crown, but like anything care must be taken in putting in the crown, flat is easier to accomplish because of only the one angle. I hope this helps you.