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Date: 16 Dec 2002
Time: 09:28:33
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Hi Steve, In reading your posting I was reminded of a filer I met that had much the same problem with his saws.He fought with almost everything in his filing room except the right thing with no luck.I went to his mill on a troubleshoot and once there made him up a couple of saws.I used the very same ones that he had fought with.The reason for the washboarding(in his case)was to long of a throat in his tooth style.All I did was to take the face of the wheel up around 1/8 in or so and tried them.They ran very well.Since the length of the tooth face controls the bite length it makes sense to not allow that large amount saw dust to hang in the gullet and pushing the tooth over when it dumps out.If this is happening your saws will show a slightly polished appearance on the side it came out of.The shorter face length dictates how much and long the dust stays and builds and by using a shorter face stays in(not over filled) and it comes out at the bottom of the cant thus,no dumping material in the cant itself,it will stay in the gullet until dropped out at the bottom.